2025 national Saturday, June 28

the 2025 SOUTHWICK AMA PRO MX NATIONAL Saturday, June 28

We're very pleased to announce that the Southwick National has a new date for this year! It takes place on Saturday, June 28.
Our heartfelt thanks to you, our loyal fans as well as MX Sports Pro Racing, AMA, NBC, fellow event organizers, sponsors and factory teams for their tireless efforts to make this Pro MX season a reality.

Is camping available on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights?

Sorry, there is no Friday or Saturday night camping available.

Can I buy tickets at the gate?

Yes, you sure can! We'll have plenty of GENERAL ADNISSION tickets on sale on June 28 at the gate. CASH ONLY! Early Entry Pit Passes usually sell out before race day. VIP and Preferred Viewing Island ALWAYS sell out before the event.

When can I buy tickets online?

Now! The lines to get into the track will be faster for anyone with an online ticket since all we have to do is scan the email you got from Universe on your phone or a print out.

What time do the gates open?

Bright and early at 7:00 AM on Saturday


The Factory Teams only allow a limited number of Early Entry (9-noon) Pit Passes. There are a very limited number of these passes available online - Plus the Super VIP, Hilltop VIP, Preferred Viewing Island and VIP South ticket holders will also receive early entry pit passes

Will you take credit cards at the gate?

Sorry, but no, we will not be taking credit cards at the gate. With so many people in the area all using data it's almost impossible to rely on cell phone based terminals.
We will have an ATM on site at the Legion Road Entrance but the fastest way in will be to purchase your tickets online even right before you leave to get here.

Can I purchase tickets at the event?

Yes, you can always buy General Admission tickets at the gate. VIP Tickets and Preferred Viewing generally sell out in advance.

Do I have to pay for parking?

Yes. On Saturday there is a parking fee per vehicle of $20 at all the parking locations. The proceeds go to the local schools and rec department.

What age are the child tickets?

Child tickets are for ages 6 to 12 and all children must be accompanied by an adult. Kids 5 and under are free!

Do the little ones get in free?

Yes, children age 5 and under get in free.

I just purchased 2 Tickets. The tickets I printed are all in my name, does that matter?

You do not need to change any information on the tickets. All of your tickets will work at the gate and attendees do not need to be together to enter. All attendees must sign a release form before entering.

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Are we allowed to bring an ice cooler with food and drinks?

Yes, you are allowed to bring in a cooler but you MAY NOT bring in alcohol. NO GLASS bottles are allowed and there is NO ALCOHOL ALLOWED IN THE PRO PITS.

Can we bring chairs? Can we set up a tent or EZ up?

Yes, you can bring chairs. You can bring a tent but there will be a designated area for tents or EZ-ups as they impede viewing for other fans. We do not allow tents or EZ-ups within 40' of the track fence.

Can my dog come to the races?

Dogs are NOT allowed National weekend at the track.

My printer broke. Can I use my smart phone to get in?

Yes, but we urge fans to always print out their tickets and bring them to the event. Your phone may or not work depending on cellular reception.

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Kawasaki, the official side by side of The Wick

We love our six passenger Mule, it hauls people, tools and equipment all day long, all over the sands of The Wick 338 without ever missing a beat.

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The wick 338 Official merch

T-shirts, hoodies and more! Check them all out in our general store right at the track.

shop now
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Crestview Construction

Many thanks to our long time partner, Crestview Construction! Without your help we could never get the track ready for the National.

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Kubotas at MB Tractor

We love ours at The Wick! Now you can save on some of their most popular models at MB Tractor and Equipment


2024 Southwick pro motocross national

Saturday, June 29th. Tickets are available now!